Mass Awareness and Campaigns
Every October, breast cancer organizations and charities all around the world celebrate the International Month for Breast Cancer Awareness. A variety of activities are held, from walks and runs in support of the cause, to the illumination in pink of landmark buildings like the Empire State Building and the Sydney Opera House.
In honor of this month, the Jordan Breast Cancer Program (JBCP) launches a massive nation-wide campaign aimed at educating and raising public awareness on breast cancer and the importance of early detection. Targeting the public at large, and females in specific, campaign activities are designed to include all levels of the Jordanian community, from youth, decision-makers, religious figures, community leaders, and so on.
Perhaps more importantly, a major goal of the campaign is its focus on encouraging women to seek breast screening exams in accordance to the National Guidelines; specifically those aged 40 years and older to get their mammograms. The campaign is organized in partnership with the King Hussein Cancer Foundation (KHCF) and Center (KHCC), the Ministry of Health and other key partners.
Throughout October, JBCP collaborates with the various health sectors in Jordan to implement a multitude of planned activities that are held throughout the Kingdom. These include road shows, information booths and exhibitions in major shopping malls, superstores, schools and universities, interactive and educational lectures, extensive outdoor coverage on bridges, wall units and public transportation vehicles, television and radio coverage, a free hotline, the production and distribution of educational material such as brochures, posters and pink ribbons—the symbol of breast cancer awareness—among countless other activities.

Think Pink is one example of a special initiative launched by JBCP aimed at engaging various companies, from the public and private sector, in the adoption of the breast cancer cause. The initiative encourages these companies to take responsibility for educating their employees on breast cancer and early detection. It is one of the many ways that JBCP operates to emphasize the importance of advocates, and encourage companies and corporates to support their employees by providing or facilitating early detection methods.
In terms of screening and early detection services, the Program works with its partners to offer free clinical breast examinations and discounted mammograms at public and private hospitals and centers. The campaign also offers information and support to those affected by breast cancer.
Additionally, the Program implements a national survey within six months of the October campaign to evaluate its effectiveness. Through this survey, JBCP aims to determine how, and to which degree, breast health awareness messages reached the various socio-demographic segments of Jordanian society. The survey also helps to identify the different factors that influence the perception of the campaign by both men and women, and their attitudes towards breast cancer and breast health practices.

Training Workshops
JBCP conducts training workshops that are designed to change attitudes, negative perceptions, incorrect information and behaviors towards breast cancer. Workshops are generally three days long, and consist of a combination of theoretical and practical modules.
Through the workshops, community leaders, volunteers, and active members of the society are recruited to act as advocates for the breast cancer cause in their local communities, spreading the life-saving message via creative and out-of-the-box activities and initiatives.
A number of topics are covered including general information on breast cancer: breast anatomy, basic cancer biology, prevalence, risk factors, and early detection methods; communication, negotiation and interpersonal skills; and community motivation and participation. If the training is aimed at community health workers, it may also include skill building activities for conducting home visits and counselling sessions.
Training workshops are also available for educators, schools, universities, businesses, volunteers, and male groups. In these sessions, participants are trained on how to fully organize and implement breast cancer activities in their own locales.

Outreach is a crucial component of JBCP’s mission. Activities such as lectures, seminars, open days, and road shows, held throughout the year, enable the Program to reach out to Jordanian women in their communities, and help them better understand the importance of early detection of breast cancer.
Aside from these larger group events, JBCP conducts a one-to-one home visit program throughout the year that targets underprivileged areas. Outreach workers are trained on practical techniques to prepare and implement effective home visits and counselling on early detection of breast cancer. This enables trainees to use a variety of interactive methods to stimulate the interest of targeted groups, mobilizing women to benefit from available services, and in the long-term hopefully contributes to the decrease in morbidity and mortality related to breast cancer in Jordan.
Outreach workers use standardized toolkits and educational materials that have been developed by JBCP. These toolkits include flip cards, visual aids, identification sheets, referral vouchers, and a breast model for trial and demonstration on how to pro perly perform a self-breast exam (SBE), and learn how different sized lumps may feel like.
JBCP also works closely with a range of partners to target specific population groups, as needed. For example, targeted outreach projects have been designed in collaboration with Tkiyet Um Ali, Micro fund for Women, Jordan Women’s Union, National Aid Fund, among others