Breast Cancer Awareness Campaign 2019.
Don’t Wait for Symptoms… Get Screened Now.
The Jordan Breast Cancer Program launched the annual campaign, aiming to raise awareness for breast cancer and encourage women to undergo early detection examinations, along with international breast cancer campaings from around the world.
Where the Jordan Breast Cancer Program collaborated with Early Detection Associations from the arab world, launching the 4th Arab Campaign 2019, composed of nine countries, unifying their message to women “Don’t Wait for Symptoms.. Get Screened now”; Directing arab women to practice breast cancer early detection examinations regularly, according to international guidlelines, without expecting symptoms or changes on the breast.
The Importance of the arab campaign resembles in the unified ultimate goal of saving lives of arab women, through raising awareness of breast cancer, disseminated in one message reaching out to all women, encouraging them to practice breast cancer early detection examinations.
October Campaign lasted for a whole month reaching a population of 1,000,000; with multivariate activities, involving media of audio visual nature, as well as grassroot activities influencing women directly, including lectures homevisits and open days in all governorates of jordan and in underprivilaged areas.
Edutaining activities included a theatrical performance,focused on raising awareness utilizing a comedic model, targeted women of all segments of the Jordanian community, emphasizing the importance of breast cancer and early detection.
The Think Pink initiative that has been launched by the Jordan Breast Cancer Program 4 years ago, had an important role in the success of October campaign; where local community involving individuals and institutions from different sectors where encouraged to support the program message and campaign, which resulted in implementing more than 660 event, resembled in pink days of interactive and awareness nature.