“The Blended Learning and Behavior Change for Local Development Project Through the European Union Support for Civil Society Organizations”, At Al Mafraq and Ma’an Governates.
The project aimed to enhance the role of civil society in local development, and enhance women participation in economic and local development. The overall aim was achieved by building the capacities of women toward acknowledging their rights in health – cancer prevention by attaining the right healthy behaviors including healthy eating and increasing physical activity, side by side with ensuring the presence of an enabling environment, where equitable access to health and early detection services is ensured.
The program has implemented a series of integrated activities in Al Mafraq and Ma’an governorates, to communicate awareness messages to the largest segment of the targeted group in a sequential and structural way, by using the Social Behavior Change Communication approach (SBCC), which aimed to create 30 Trained Professionals through conducting 2 Training of Trainers (TOT) workshops. 15 workshops followed the TOT workshop, planned and implemented by the trained professionals, which sequentially resulted in the execution of 30 community engagement activities. Community engagement activities influenced more than 3,000 people from the local community of Mafraq and Maan governorates, through activities covering free medical days, bazaars, food sales, competitions...etc.)
with a must of offering revenue generating model for women of the local community, whether by hiring them to assist in the preparation and implementation of activities, or offering them points of sales to benefit their own businesses or projects; all feeding into the dual benefit of raising awareness of the general public on health issues and empowering women economically.